Checking over my blog statistics, I find that in addition to my readers in the nyc/n.j. area, my mom, and my sister, I have people from all over the U.S. and abroad looking at the blog. Countries include Canada, Mexico, France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Portugal, The U.K., Greece, Sweden, Australia, Singapore, and South Africa! Recent visitors from the U.S. include those from Utah, Texas, Florida, Colorado, Michigan, Illinois, Washington, D.C., Maryland, Pennsylvania, California, Washington, Virginia, Nevada, Rhode Island, and North Carolina.
Bienvenido todos! Bienvenue tous!
Now...how about introducing yourselves? I'd love to hear from you. Who are you? How did you find my blog? Tell me a little about the place where you live.
thanks. merci. gracias. danke. obrigada. efcharisto. tack. grazie.
Ok, I'll go - in the spirit of speaking up! I'm Julie, from Canada, also an artist and I really love your approach to eco-friendly adornment. Your post about being the 'enforcer' was hilarious - I'm the same way - I can't handle (perceived) injustices in my world.
Hi Julie- thanks for being the first!
After writing that, I thought- okay, is it really because I'm afraid to speak up about certain things, so I'm driven to be outspoken in other (less personal) circumstances?
who knows.
I just got a visitor from Columbia!
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