this is my secondary compost pile, composed only of weeds and garden clippings. I went to check on the garden last thursday after a day and half of rain and found the pile covered with dozens of snails. I'm thinking it might be a good idea to transfer the pile further back in the yard, away from the veggie patch. I pulled 36 baby slugs out of the patch and moved them to the ivy-covered back fence. I then sprinkled the garden liberally with crushed eggshell and coffee grounds. we looked up other snail and slug prevention methods and found that they are adverse to copper. so next I will wind copper wire round the smooth wooden fence and frame. the strawberries ended up being a sacrifice- I hadn't bothered removing dead leaves and weeds from their bed, and the snails were madly attracted to the space. by the time I cleared it out and added fresh topsoil, it was too late.
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