can anyone in nyc with slightly wavy hair recommend a good stylist, not too pricey? I just got my hair cut and I hate it. somehow, hair stylists always assume I like my hair straight and blown out, and cut it that way. I don't! I hate blown-out straight hair! last time, even after telling the stylist that I like my hair wavy, she went ahead and did it that way. not to mention that she was 45 minutes late for the appointment, then had to rush through the cut. when i told her at the end that I wanted more taken off the sides, she butchered it up. now it doesn't fall correctly. honesty, I feel like a sap in the hands of a hair dresser. I try to watch what they're doing and not correct them while they're in process, but it always seems to backfire in my face. the picture above is what I brought to the stylist before this one. somehow, she left long pieces in the front, even though it is clear from the photo that the sides are shorter.
your hair TOTALLY looks like that.
you just have to keep your head tilted down 24-7.
Hi - I'm new to your blog :) But I go to this place called Woodley & Bunny in Williamsburg and a girl named Jacole (spelling?? it's like Nicole with a J). I have super curly hair and she does a great job... so maybe she'd be good at the wavy too?
Good luck!
hello hi!
i am so bad and cut my own unruly hair, but my friend g who has the best hair of anyone i know gets hers done at the beehive on n7th in williamsburg. they specialize in curls, apparently. and her hair is AMAZING since she started going.
I think I can cut your hair. Take a look at the videos and pcitures for a sample of my work.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the video and pictures
thanks for the tips! I used to cut my hair myself, then decided to be a grownup and try the whole salon thing. it ain't easy!
so do you want me to cut your hair. Did you watch the video
I don't know if I trust you- your only clients are Lee and Gary.
nice diary of france, btw. when did you get so classy?
Still no class, trust me.
I'm fairly confident I can tell fact from fiction on life of dug. now I've got my sister reading it. she's a little confused.
same thing happened to me.....asked to have more cut on the sides and now my hair wont do what it normally does best....just be wavy. good luck in your quest...at this point i'm just trying to grow mine out.
by the way...happened upon your blog...love your take on jewelry....i'm all about making something new out of vintage pieces too.
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