Now that x-mas has passed, we've had two weekends off in a row and survived SNOWMAGEDDON, we're busy as bees at ebmerc stocking the store back up with NEW and EXCITING merchandise. while b has been scouting out and restoring vintage lighters, I've been hunting for soft, warm and stylish clothing.
see here our clothing tree, filled with plaid flannel and western shirts, and nordic sweaters. I've also come across some great dresses that happen to be in mint condition, from the 60's through the 90's. (are 90's vintage?)
oh, and although I've neglected to mention it here (but you might have noticed from our events calendar) Felecia Maria's Open Level Yoga Class is a weekly occurrence. I have to tell you that I am LOVING this class. Just an hour long, it's the perfect mid-week refresher. Felecia teaches a class that is somehow gentle and challenging at the same time. She has a great flow, that varies and evolves from week to week. We get in all the basics like sun salutations and warrior poses, plus fun balancing tricks like half moon and headstand. Last night I did my first headstand in the middle of the room EVER! I think it's Felecia's gentle encouragement that allowed me to be brave and go for it.
we just installed a new window display, but Jenna's Origamitron show will be up for another couple of weeks.
so lots to see and do at Everbrite- come on down to Red Hook. You know you want to.
I'd like to visit, but I don't know if my Hoveround can navigate the ice-covered sidewalks.
...plus I hear there are Young Toughs who prowl that neighborhood. Skinny-jean-clad miscreants with the tinge of fine Single Malt Scotch on their breath.
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