I woke up with sticky eyes. The super sets the thermostat at 75, and refuses to do otherwise. but at least we have heat, and I can turn down my own radiators. not that getting the heat on didn't involve threatening to report the landlord to the city.
it's been a weird couple of weeks. autumn always feels like more of a new beginning than the dead of winter, when westerners celebrate the new year. after returning from our summer vacation, we had three weeks to get my fall line going, before out of town guests arrived, followed by a weekend trip to see my mom and sister. the visit with my friend and her mate turned into sort of a disaster, as I started growing weary of her shenanigans. (indecisiveness, imposing on us do things for her she could have done at home) by the time they left (although they didn't stay with us the whole time) she knew something was up. I sent her an email, and all hell broke loose. now she's cut me off, saying that I'm not a "safe" friend. whatever.
the weekend after our delightful visitors left, we headed down to south jersey. a few months back, I realized that my 25th high school reunion was coming up. being a late bloomer, high school was unmemorable for me. my visits home were infrequent for many years, as I explored other possibilities and places in life. somehow after 25 years though, I started getting sentimental. the organizers of the reunion had set up a website, and I found myself visiting it, as classmates fleshed out their profiles with updates and photos. I told b I wanted to go to the reunion, and we registered.
but as the date got closer and I found out more about my former classmates, the less interest I had in attending the event. My mom was already expecting us and my sister was planning to come up from Richmond to visit. so we went to cherry hill anyway, and explored philadelphia as I had stated earlier. we ate dinner at ponzios that night, the local hangout diner. don't you know as soon as I saw the photos people posted from the reunion, I wish I had gone. okay, who's indecisive?
now b's in california, doing some work. the other night while poking around on flickr, I found out some bad news about one of my favorite teachers and just an all-around cool guy. if you are so inclined, read
here about ezra and his fight with cancer. the site has a donation page to help with ez's medical expenses. and if you want to be awed by his awesomeness, look
here to see his beautiful photography. it will make you want ezra's life. except for the cancer.