Leaving Eureka last friday morning, we toured the Humboldt Bay area, including the former logging company town of Samoa. We were fascinated by the peninsula town's uniform, but shaggy look. b had eaten at the samoa cook house years ago, and wanted to show it to me. we peered in the windows, but he advised against eating such a heavy lumberjack breakfast.

following the coast, the next stop was Trinidad. We could see giant, white rocks jutting out of the ocean, and were compelled to stop. It was lovely, and we agreed to spend more time there on another trip.

following the 101 north, we wound through mountain passes and dense redwood forests. we were amused by the many roadside attractions, including houses carved inside giant trees, and the mystery spot.
heading into oregon, the topography and climate changed. california's rugged hills gave way to pristine, pine tree-covered mountains. the chilly coast also turned milder as we made our way up north. still on the 101, we crossed numerous estuaries that let out to the pacific. we were amazed by the huge rock formations sticking out from the ocean.

all along, we passed through tiny towns, crossed old bridges, and saw many logging trucks. after passing through hours of untouched forest, we came upon the areas where logging occurs. It was quite jarring to see this- sections of mountain stripped bare, then various stages of regrowth, turning the wilderness into a giant pine tree farm.
the pacific northwest is known for its coffee, and there are all sorts of drive-through espresso bars in the region. they range from tiny, privately owned shacks to the giant dutch brothers franchise.
okay, it's now 10:35 pm and i need to finish my laundry. argh, I hope to catch up on my posts. see you in hawaii.
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