if you live in brooklyn and are part of the diy community, it's hard to pass up the
renegade craft fair that takes place every june in williamsburg's mcCarren park. originating in chicago in 2003, renegade has spread to four cities, making its L.A. debut july 11 & 12 at the california mart in the garment district. I attend almost every year, and I'm more than impressed with the variety and quality of vendors, that they keep the event free to visitors, and the show's seemingly flawless execution. Of course I collected info on potential everbrite vendors, visited with some friends, and picked up a few goodies for myself.
meow meow tweet sells delicious, natural, brooklyn-made soaps that come in adorable cartooned wrappers. I chose three for $20, and soapmaker Jeff Kurosaki gave me samples of the flavors I didn't try. I was so thrilled to see that Jeff and his partner Tara Pelletier are not only craftspeople, but also crazy artist folk. check out their other site
friendly falcons to see what else they're up to.
renegade founder Sue Daly employs the artistry of her husband Mat to create the wonderful graphics for renegade. every year Mat comes up with an original poster for each city's show, always including the owl icon in the design. I've had my eye on the 2004 chicago poster for a while, and I was lucky enough to pick up the last copy yesterday. can't wait to hang it up! these beautiful posters are hand silk-screened and printed on rag paper. truly collector's items. check out mat daly's
website to see more of his incredible work. it's no surprise he's been commissioned by notable musicians such as andrew bird to design concert posters!